Do you like trees? We like trees. So after hearing about the awesome work Onetreeplanted are doing, we decided to get involved.
These guys are doing a killer job when it comes to reforestation - they've planted over 10 million trees around the globe. We've partnered up and every week we now help them plant 5 more!
So far, Odysee have helped plant over 100 trees. Soon we're hoping to plant a tree for every single Odysee order - stay tuned!
When choosing packaging, most companies will search for the cheapest option. We searched for the most sustainableoption.
It's a contant work in progress for us, and we're always trying to find ways we can do more. Here's the lowdown so far:
✔ Cardboard boxes made from recycled materials
✔ Thank you note printed on sustainably sourced recycled paper, printed in vegetable based inks.
✔ Biodegradeable parcel tape. yes, that's a thing! It's great too.
When most companies make decisions, they think: 'How can we save money?' We think 'How can we save the planet?'
Odysee believe in a greener planet, but we also know that this isn't going to come from just individual action. Companies must do more.
Our goal is to be at the forefront of sustainable fashion. Join us!